For Businessestomuhasauei2018-04-07T16:01:42+00:00
Learn About Tending the Fire’s Leadership Seminars for Businesses
Tending the Fire Concepts
Every workplace experiences emotional challenges from time to time. Learn to recognize and manage these dynamics so you can offer healthy leadership, increase productivity, and improve work satisfaction.
Escape the Overwork Trap
Are you doing too much while others don’t do their part? Learn how to get out of the overfunctioning trap to regain balance and order in your workplace.
Lead Effectively in Anxious Situations
Change, even positive change, makes people anxious. And anxiety makes smart people to dumb things. Learn to keep your head so you can lead change that lasts.
Dealing with Sabotage
Even the most carefully planned and strategized change will encounter sabotage, sometimes significant sabotage. You can be more resilient when you recognize sabotage’s dynamics, maintain your own clarity, and have solid interpersonal connections.