Transform Your Organization
With Tending the Fire
Client Testimonials
“Tending the Fire has been fuel for my weary minister’s soul – during this complicated pandemic time. Each session has been simply filled with sacred learnings, affirmations, and opportunities for me (as a minister and as an emotional being) to dig deep so that I can better understand how the intertwining of relationships (both past and present) can inform the actions of others and myself. I celebrate being able to participate in such a beautiful and necessary training – as that provided by Tending the Fire. I am grateful for you – for your wisdom and teachings.”
“As a commuting pastor, a retreat format usually forces me to choose between using the remaining days in a week for my family/home or for my congregation. Attending Tending the Fire on Zoom allowed me to be physically present both places while taking the course, which doubly reassured my congregation—they saw that I am staying in this struggle with the pandemic with them, and they are seeing that I am investing in our shared future by pursuing continuing education. My congregation is full of people who work via zoom or have kids using zoom for school, and so seeing their pastor do the same thing is one of the ways I can meet them in their experience. Sometimes it can seem like adapting to changing circumstances is a form of “giving up.” Explaining to my congregation that I am taking a course in leading adaptive change and working together in anxious times gives them hope that I am preparing for us to stick together no matter what this year sends us next.”
“Merging congregations is no small task. As we met to discuss ways to work together, Barb really listened to us. Her non-anxious presence set the tone for a healthy process. Her calm assurance, positive feedback, and gentle coaching helped our congregations discover a shared vision for the future.”
“The concepts, perspective and self-knowledge gained from Tending the Fire are as valuable as any I’ve come across in my 25 years of active pastoral ministry. I wish I had experienced Tending the Fire years earlier.”
“Barb’s sensitivity and insights in the arenas of both spirituality and systems theory helps participants to make connections and gather wisdom they would otherwise miss. Our executive staff benefited enormously from our retreat.”
“These sessions … allow me to step back and refocus on what the real opportunity is, versus being distracted by the symptoms and associated chaos. I had arrived feeling worn down and exhausted by my frustration at spinning my wheels re: this problem and left feeling empowered and reenergized about the influence I do have in making a positive change with this system.”
“Tending the Fire is one of the most important trainings I have participated in since seminary.”
“Have you ever found yourself wondering ‘What happened? What went wrong? What’s really going on?’ Then Tending the Fire will give you new tools for understanding yourself and your church.”
“I can see more clearly what I need to do and be, and I feel better equipped to live in the messy life of the church.”